Little Bit
About Me

I am a Full Stack Engineer and Deep Learning enthusiast. My expertise lies in the MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS) stack as well as Java software development. I have personal projects that I have deployed using Heroku in the MERN stack. In addition, I have experience using Tensorflow Keras for building deep learning models. From cleaning and formatting data, to utilizing the correct optimizers and activation functions, and getting high accuracy models through supervised learning. From mainly working on image recoginition heavily, I wish to expand to other fields of machine and deep learning.

Aside from my career interests and aspirations my main hobbies and passions include skiing, cooking, and photography. I really got into photography and started my own page that I am currently growing, check it out on instagram if you'd like to here. I have been skiing for about 6-8 years now, and every year I am out in Tahoe exploring new slopes and mounatins. One of my biggest dreams is to hit the best slopes around the world making full use of the Ikon pass one day. I have been cooking for as long as I can remember, and I work toward curating the perfect "my form" of any dish I make while expanding my pallette as much as possbile.

Download Resume
Technologies and Frameworks I Work In. Always Open to Learning More!

service offers

Web Development

If you need any sort of website created and done seamlessly, I can take care of that for you in a very timely manner

Machine Learning

More than willing to work on Machine Learning projects and help build proper models.

And Projects

  • Experience

    • Software Engineering Intern - Oracle (January 2020 - March 2020)
      • Developed a CSV to Apache Parquet converter on a Gradle Multi-Project build via Apache Drill.
      • Implemented a REST API using Oracle’s Project Helidon(Similar to SpringBoot Framework) to wrap around the converter library.
      • Integrated REST API to call into cloud storage using the OCI SDK to download the files from cloud, convert, and then upload back into cloud. Followed SCRUM methodologies throughout the entire development process
      • Developed a native converter as well that utilized heavy java and Apache Avro that is able to convert to and from CSV to Apache Parquet.
    • Full Stack Engineering Intern - Coach & Crew (August 2019 - January 2020)
      • Implemented a profile page component for users, coaches, and brands using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and Angular.js to let all different types of users to have their own private profile page curated to their specific user type.
      • Implemented a RESTful API using Node.js, Express.js and JWT( JSON Web Tokens), to perform CRUD operations on the profile components of the user specific page
      • Designed a database schema utilizing MongoDB and MongooseJS to retrieve data from the respective clusters and display in the profile.
  • Personal Projects

    • Developer Connector (Deployed
      • Developed a full stack web app using MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS that brings developers together into a helpful community to learn, grow, and engage in educated discourse about developer related field topics
      • Designed a RESTful backend server enabling user information ranging from posts made, comments, profile info, form data, and much more to be stored in the MongoDB Atlas cloud database.
      • Incorporated JSON Web Tokens(JWT) for user authentication in addition provided added feature of Github OAuth so users have the choice to display their github repos on their profile page
      • Integrated Redux for state management and backend endpoints tested using Postman
    • Photo Zones
      • Created a full stack web app using HTML5, CSS, and ReactJS that lets users find the best picture spots in their location based off location and the genre of pictures they are looking for (Street, Urban, Landscape)
      • Integrated the Google Maps API into the platform to add the location based services to the application.
      • Platform exposes public API endpoints that can be accessed via HTTP requests. Endpoints tested using Postman
      • Developed a backend using NodeJS, ExpressJs, JSON Web Token authentication, and MongoDB with Mongoose to create the schema
    • Movie Tracker
      • Implemented a Rest API using Python, Flask-Restful, and Flask-JWT (JSON Web Token) that performs CRUD operations on a database of movies that are personal to the user
      • Utilized werkzeug.security for authentication and identity of the user and Postman to test all the different endpoints of the api.